Friday, January 2, 2015

New Year

     The holidays are over and we have entered a new year! All signs of holidays have been packed away and the garden seems to be unaware that it is winter. is one of those years that the broccoli and cauliflower are confused by the weather (as am I) and do not want to give me more than a mere tiny taste of their goodness. 

     In order for broccoli to produce, you need a good 60 days strait of temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees. No more. No less. Cauliflower prefers temperatures in the 60's. As our weather patterns have been completely unpredictable this fall/winter growing season, I have beautiful foliage but very little to eat. (Tommy ate one bite size floret for this There are tiny new florets sprouting from a couple plants, so fingers crossed. The cauliflower....well the picture speaks for itself.

     I let the first broccoli plant go to seed and now I am thinking I should have waited. It was a fairly good size bunch so I figured the other plants would produce just as well. Another lesson learned. I will have a lot of seeds though for my next broccoli attempt. There are a lot of seed pods forming so I should hopefully be able to harvest them within the next week.

     For now, the peas seem to be growing well as are the Brussels Sprouts. Only time will tell. Many of the seeds I started the end of December will be ready to transplant soon! (already moved another batch of peas) I have already moved the inside starts to the patio to condition them and have them ready for transplant.  Here are the picture updates:

A few peas and peppers


Crooked neck squash and zucchini

Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts and beans

Another ripening tomato

     I typically purchase all my seeds through SeedsNow, and will probably continue to do that, but I have received several catalogs for other seed companies that I can't wait to get a chance to look at. I love experimenting with different seeds and every company seems to have seeds that are fairly unique to them. I will only buy heirloom, non gmo seeds and will only garden organic! I believe the rest of the world should too but that is just my 2 cents worth. 

     I have been working on something for the last couple weeks that has kept me pretty busy.  I am working hard on a new venture, and while extremely nervous about it, I am excited as well. I can't wait to be able to share with everyone!

And As Always....


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