Saturday, January 10, 2015

A Tiny Vent....and Garden Photo Update

We started today off cold! Tommy had to play today at the SRQ market (starting at 9 am after not getting home until after 1 am from last evenings gig) (UGH), so I decided to tag along. I love hanging out in Sarasota, even if it is just to people watch. 

     Tiny (but HUGE) vent: These farmers markets are great for so many things...however...fresh produce is not always one of them. Sure there is "fresh" and "helping local people"  but in all the markets I have been to (and there are many) there is maybe one (if your lucky) vendor who sells ORGANIC produce. Sure all the others look fresh and pretty and you are helping local vendors and produce companies....but you are still buying the same chemical crapstorm that you get at your local store. Now I know that it is "harder" to grow organic and it is more expensive (which still makes absolutely no sense to me - less chemicals, etc less!?), but come on! I also wonder how many people don't even think about it and just assume they are getting great veggies. I actually overheard a conversation today where a lady discussed with someone how it was great to get fresh organic produce from a local person a regular NON ORGANIC stand. The non commercial presentation has some people fooled... I personally choose to grow as much as I can myself and there was no organic produce, I walked across the street from the market to the Whole Foods market. Would LOVE to support more local vendors (as I am a huge supporter of many local businesses and vendors!) BUT....

Now for the garden... ;) This bi-polar Florida weather has my garden so confused it's not sure what to do. With 80 degree temps one day and 40's the next, I am just as confused as my poor little vegetables.


A new friend or idea what he is
Baby Cabbage
new carrots starting
new cauliflower trying to form
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peas (still so far so good)


nasty spiders and ants I'm fighting on the cranberry hibiscus - have been hand removing and spraying off...time to get out the Dawn (more later)

broccoli going to seed - almost ready to seed

Cool little buttons I picked up at the market today! Each is about the size of a nickel

     I have been so busy lately that I haven't been writing as much as I would like. I've been working on a compilation cd with Tommy and another venture coming as well. I am hoping to be able to let everyone know on Monday what is going on....but I am super excited!!!

     Until then...


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