Sunday, December 21, 2014

Seeds, Seeds, and Oh Yes.....Seeds

     Today was an absolute beautiful day to be outside and I took full advantage. My intentions were to start some celery and cabbage seeds, which I did...but ended up doing so much more! I will probably bore you to tears today, but here is a run down of what I accomplished. (I am feeling pretty accomplished today!)

     I started out with celery and cabbage. They are considered companion plants, which means they should have a positive affect on the overall health and flavor of each other. Once again, these are both vegetables that can be difficult to grow from seed...and once again I refuse to give up.I had a huge tote that wasn't in use so I drilled a lot of holes in the bottom and filled it up. I mixed equal parts of peat, organic garden soil, and a cow manure/compost mixture. 

     I made 2 lines across the container and filled one with celery seeds and the other with cabbage. The seeds are extremely tiny so I will be very curious how many little sprouts pop up!

     I had learned yesterday through the handy dandy Almanac notification that I should be starting cucumbers and peppers inside! I needed to make a run to HD for some garden markers and while there I was in shock! They were selling eggplant, peppers, tomatoes (year round so no biggie) AND summer squash plants!!! Wait WHAT?! I decided to do a little research and found that YES...starting in January you can start planting beans, eggplant, summer squash, cucumbers, and peppers outside! I have a lot of catching up to do if I want to be able to get some plants out and ready in January! What have I got to lose? 

     As with the peas, I have decided to stagger my plantings so if the first ones don't take I will keep having back-up until I either a) have at least a few good producers or b) I am overtaken by so many plants I have to beg friends to come take some (fingers crossed for b!)  I am a sucker for giving away my extra plants and seeds...just ask anyone who comes here and asks a single question about my garden! - or my sister which I actually mail seeds to a couple times a year! (Can't have my Great niece and nephews eating just any random grown veggies!)

My favorite pots for starting seeds are the little Jiffy Pots. They are made out of peat, so once your starting plants are ready to transplant, you can just plant the entire pot! Easy peasy and you don't disturb any sensitive roots. I won't bore you with the details of all the seed plantings as it basically all goes the same. (except with the peas yesterday as they are too nitro-sensitive) so...I will flood you with the photos instead...

Tomatoes ~ Ace 55, Roma, Cherry (large),
Tiny Tim, Yellow Pear, and Cherry White
Summer Squash ~ Dark Green, Black Beauty,
and Early Summer Crookneck

Cucumbers ~ White Wonder, Marketer,
Everbearing, and Muncher
Peppers ~ Yolo Wonder,
Purple Beauty, and Sunbright Yellow

Eggplant ~ Florida Market,
Casper, and Pandora Striped

     The seeds that needed to be started indoors I placed in plastic totes and brought in and I gave the others a good water with a watering can. (NEVER water fresh seeds with a hose! Too much too fast!) A table is set up in front of a back window for the house starts to be able to get plenty of light. Using a spray bottle, I generously sprayed the pots. Then, using plastic wrap (and in the instance of the 2 you see with holes...foil) I made makeshift greenhouses.

     It has been a long, but enjoyable day so I am going to curl up with my mocha on the patio and enjoy the rest of this beautiful night!


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