Today was exciting for me! I know...I know...I'm a nerd.
When I get up in the morning, the first thing I do after completing the appropriate morning greetings to the hubs and the fur babies (and of course pour a cup of coffee to take along) is head to the garden. It still amazes me how quickly things can change and I am like a giddy 13 year old teenager every time I see a little sprout beginning to emerge from the dirt. Today was one of those days.
I checked my cauliflowers plants to find, not one, but two beautiful tiny white heads starting to peep though the gorgeous green foliage.
The broccoli that I let go to seed was buzzing with the sound of bees...
AND...there are new babies beginning to emerge!!!
A little check-in on my garden gnomes always makes me happy!
I decided that, although I have made (and ate) enough cookies to feed a city this month, I could no longer resist the temptation to make Matcha Shortbread Cookies! The Matcha has been burning a hole through my cabinet for almost a week and I couldn't take it anymore! we go...the long awaited recipe for the Matcha cookies. These cookies are as easy as it gets!
2 cups flour
2 Tbs Matcha powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup butter
1/2 c granulated sugar
In a bowl, cream together butter and sugar
Add Matcha powder (and yes...all things pink. Don't judge me)
Add flour and work into a dough
Place the bowl in the freezer for about 20 minutes, or until dough begins to get stiff. Sprinkle some flour on the counter and roll dough to 1/4 inch thick. Cut shapes with cookie cutters (or shape with a knife - such as for sticks...for dipping yes?!)
Bake at 325 degrees for approximately 12-13 minutes. If desired (I desire), sprinkle tops with sugar while still warm.
If you like Matcha, or any other green tea for that matter, you will love these cookies! They are very subtle and are not a sweet cookie. I must warn you though...USE CAUTION WHEN BAKING!!! These little suckers are so easy to pop in your mouth and so delicious that you do.
DUH JoJo....Matcha = Caffeine --- Caffeine = Buzz --- Caffeine Buzz = No Sleep
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